Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Brief update

The funeral was today :( my aunt gave me some of my nans photos which means as you can appreciate the world! isn't it when you lose someone so close, that it really makes you think - this is why I scrap!

I have had a real up and down week, found going back to work very difficult as i work in a nursing home! but as you guys have said i am just to go with what ever/ how i feel so i am just taking one day at a time.

Anyway on a lighter note, Crimbo Scrapcamp day, was lovely, a fun packed day with 25 peeps, Kirsty Wiseman took the first class and showed us how to make a groovy 'Trash' book using things like acetate, CD case, CD envelope, cardboard and paint think she said there where piccies of it on her blog so go over and have a looky, not completed mine as yet, second class was by Hilary Ford she showed us how to make a altered crimbo decoration really enjoyed doing this class fiddly as it was but was really able to play at something different will take a piccie and show you. Last but not least was Giselle Homers' class of a Christmas binded book which was absolutely gorgeous i have plans to put all my 2006 Christmas piccies in it, that too isn't completed yet.
It was great to see my scrap buddies and i was so glad that Beth came over the bridge too :)



Di said...

Oh Gaye, I do hope you're okay today. Thinking of you xx

Glad you enjoyed Crimbo scrapcamp, sound scrumptious, can't wait to see your piccies.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you too Gaye.
Scrapcamp once again sounds like it was a blast. Gonna have to get my butt accross the bridge aren't I?!

Beth said...

We did have a laugh mind, that's what it's all about......and, what do I say.....? "Gaye, which piece of paper do we use next..?" Lol. XX

Beth said...

Sorry, meant to say, thinking of you today, good girl for being brave, we know it's hard, but be strong. XX

Anonymous said...

(((Hugs)))) Gaye.
Glad you enjoyed Christmas Scrap Camp - soooo wish I could have gone :( I want to see Giseele's book please!
D x

Nat said...

Hiya Gaye - been thinking of you and hope you are ok sweetie xxx
Scrapcamp sounds as if it was fab - when will youfinish your creations so we can have a nose at them then?!!! nudge nudge!
Nat xxx