Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Crikey! Wednesday already

Where has the week gone? Its my day off tomorrow and it is forecast to snow! I love new untouched snow, the boys are all hoping that the schools will be shut so that they can play all day :) so i will have to get my camera batteries on charge as i can feel a photo sesh coming on :D

My skirting board is due to be delivered tomorrow and my Dad is hoping to make a start in the extension on friday. I have a parcel waiting in the post office i am pretty sure its from my swappee on UKS, i joined the Jan/Feb birthday swap - citing init!

I am now counting the days down now until my holiday (5 days to go), i really want some time to do some crafting, also off to Bristol one day next week to catch up with the lurkers for a coffee and a good ol' chin wag.

Well i think thats about all for now, so enjoy the snow (hope it doesnt last too long)

Catch ya soon xx


Beth said...

We got some snow too, I think it'll be gone by tomorrow though. Still, kids love to be off from school. Hope you managed to take some nice photos. Beth XX

Nat said...

Yep - we got snow last night - but it was all melted by 11am!!! Did you manage to get any good pics Gaye?!

Candy said...

I found your blog by blog hopping (Nat commented on our rather new and amatuer blogg) we are getting there its very exciting. Your blog is great !!

Anonymous said...

Did you get any snow?! :o) We only had a little but Dai said there was lots in Bridgend and my sisters said there was a lot in Cardiff, and you are further East again. So was there some your way?! xx