Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Well I had a fab night sleep, so I spent the morning thinking about my CJ entry, then cracked on with it, as I said I will take a photo of the entry but wont post until the CJ is complete. Anyhooo everything was going swimmingly just put the finishing touches to it, a little bit of Diamond Glaze, put it out of the way so it could dry, smashing!

My dear darling children returned home from a hard day at school, came into the kitchen to greet me then - oooo!, cool!, oops!, sorry! a few unsavoury words shouted by me to number 1 son as he had poked one grubby little finger into my not so dry Diamond Glaze!

Anyway, not all was lost I put a little more DG into the crater, it does seem to be working hooray!

There is a new series that has started tonight on E4 'Ghost Whisper' it does look good, so that will be Tuesday evenings sorted out for the next couple of weeks. :D

Off to work in the morning, so best go and get organized.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love it when you get a fab night's sleep?! Don't get that too often anymore, even if the baby does sleep all night, I'm still lying awake listening to the monitor to make sure I can hear some sort of noise!
Can't wait to see your CJ entry.
~*Gems*~ x*x*x