Thursday, November 16, 2006

Such a bad blogger!

Nothing has happened!! no scrapping, nothing earth shatteringly interesting to blog about! just work! housework! just my routine life. The time is flying by it will be christmas real soon, not going to panic though - cos my crimbo shopping is done YAY!

will be back when something interesting happens LOL


Craftybanshee said...

I haven't even begun my Christmas shopping yet, and as for a list! :-0

See you at Mandy's Xmas Workshop in a couple of weeks!!

Nat said...

Aaaargh! I'm so jealous of you organised types who have all their chrimbo shopping done and dusted! I don't even know what I'm getting anyone yet!!!!

Di said...

I'm getting there with the Christmas shopping and loving every minute of it but certainly not as organised as you - LOL!!!

Elinor said...

Another here who has not really started their shopping!

Anonymous said...

We're pretty much done too :o) Just have to wrap things now and finish off a few we still need to buy!
So can't wait now!!!!! :oD