Monday, August 28, 2006


I have a huge wasp nest in my hay stack where i keep my horse i went to check on my boy this evening and i was checking to see if the hay that i had left would be still ok to use for this winter when i disturded the wasps i am not joking when i say that they were not very happy they chased me up the field (i was running like a loony, screaming and arms waving)i was stung a couple of times but the scarest thing was, that they attached themselves to my jeans and were try to sting me repeatedly. Poor Lewis had to get them off me with a long stick i was afraid that they were going to get him too! but i couldnt get them off of me. Anyway, going to have to ring the council tomorrow so they can come and get rid of them.

Still havent scrapped anything and i am getting a tab behind on the Ali Edwards challenges 5,6 are up and i think Ann(i)e is going to post challenge 7 tomorrow.... :( oh no!

Hope you have had a good Bank Holiday weekend,i have been to work today, am also in tomorrow, have got Friday off as Jason has a dental appointment, will find out whether he is to have a brace or not.

Ciao for now


Nat said...

Hiya Gaye - hope you are ok after the stings - they are vicious creatures aren't they?! I got stung by a single wasp a couple of yeras ago, and I was crying like a baby (but I must admit I am a wuss when it comes to pain) - so I hope you're alright :)
I haven't done any scrapping for ages either - just can't seem to get into it - do you think it's the time of the year?!

Craftybanshee said...

Poor Gaye :-( I hope your stings are getting better fast. I know how horrible it is to be stung, but more than once ..... what a nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Eww eww eww! I really hate wasps! It might have something to do with the fact I am allergic to their stings, but still they really are horrible little creatures!
Hope you are ok now!